TURKEYANA -arvostelu

Klinikan pisteet
Rated 4,7 out of 5
Tältä sivulta löydät kaikki luotettavat arvostelut TURKEYANA -klinikasta. Olemme keränneet aiempien potilaiden arvostelut yhdelle sivulle yhdessä oman asiantuntijamme arvion kanssa. Näin voit tehdä oman päätöksesi helposti siitä, onko tämä juuri sinulle sopiva hammasklinikka.

Asiantuntijan TURKEYANA -arvostelu

Asiantuntijamme arvostelu ei ole vielä valmis, mutta se on tulossa pian. Sillä välin voit jättää oman henkilökohtaisen arviosi hammasklinikasta, tai lukea muiden kokemuksia klinikasta.

TURKEYANA -klinikan tiedot

Varaa aika hammashoitoon johtavalta klinikalta

Kaikki TURKEYANA -arvostelut

Rated 4,7 out of 5
4,7 out of 5 stars (based on 99 reviews)
Very good2%

Turkyana is a rubbish clinic

Rated 1,0 out of 5

This is the worst clinic in fact It’s shame to call as a clinic I’d rather call them muggers and scammers. They are biggest liars and their dentists are not qualified to be nurses compare to Europe. So avoid them as they will rub you and lie to you it will be waste of time to go there. They try to convince you go to the clinic for a good price but as soon as you there prices will change and then you will get different charges everyday you are there .

Matin Bossli

I was happy that I met Turkeyana Clinic…

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I was happy that I met Turkeyana Clinic that helped me to become my dream for transplanting hair the experience was amazing. I will definitely suggest my closest friends and family to have the same experience with them. Tashakurlar!


i am very happy

Rated 5,0 out of 5

i am very happy

Adam El-Moughrabi

Done with initial dhi transplantation

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Done with initial dhi transplantation. Amazing and professional experience. Do ask for translator to be around more.

Moiz Abdullah

From the first day until i finished my…

Rated 5,0 out of 5

From the first day until i finished my dental treatment I had a good experience and I thank and appreciate all the doctors and translators for all the great job that they made for me

Ahmed Nour

Outstanding Clinic

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I went to Turkey for a combined surgery, and the staff were amazing. They made me feel welcomed and safe.

When I first arrived, they conducted many tests. Unfortunately, the results were not good, and my surgery was canceled. However, they were incredible because they prioritized my life over any financial loss. For that, I am truly grateful. They will refund the surgery money.

To Sam, my medical consultant, thank you for your outstanding service. You were always there for me, demonstrating professionalism and efficiency. You found solutions for all my concerns, and I deeply appreciate it.

I truly recommend Turkeyana.

Ana Figueira

Amazing Experience!

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I just did a consultation with Salmah Zaid and she showed such amazing hospitality to me. She explained everything so perfectly and was very patiently in answering all my questions. She is such a wonderful representation of your company. I will be getting my procedure done soon! Thank you & God bless you.


I came here me and my nephew to have…

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I came here me and my nephew to have hair transplant, the experience was amazing in and out all the way, the staff are so friendly and helpful, you don’t feel any anxiety about anything they just answer all your questions before the surgery, and during the surgery the team just keep on asking you if you’re alright or if you need anything, so friendly and professional, I really recommend them for anyone who wants a 5 stars experience.

Mohammad Jaafar

Turkeyana is dishonest and steals money from clients

Rated 1,0 out of 5

This is about a refund due me from 12/2022. Here is a reply from Turkeyana:…..”When I mentioned that the refund was processed by our end on 21-05-2024, this means that we sent the money via our bank to your bank on the same date, and the processing time is usually 21 working days.

I sent you the official receipt of your refund of 750$ (24,118 TRY)

I will recheck with our accounting department to contact the bank to reassure you.”…..The reciept Turkeyana sent shows the money moved from One Turkeyana account to another. Did not refund my Credit card and they continue to Lie about it. Stating there was an intermediary bank, but they cannot contact the intermediary bank. Which is BS.



Rated 1,0 out of 5

THIS CLINIC IS DISHONEST AND UNTRUSTWORTY! Please DO NOT use this clinic. Notice all of their good reviews ARE NOT FROM VERIFIED USERS. If Turkeyana honored cancelled procedures and refunded money due to clients, they would not have to post FAKE REVIEWS of there clinic. TRUST PILOT has found many FAKE REVIEWS and needs to remove all of them.


Arvostele TURKEYANA Turkki

Täytä yhteydenotto­lomake

Usein kysytyt kysymykset

Klinikan sijainti on İstanbul, Turkki.

Voit saada tarkemmat hintatiedot ja tarjouksia klinikalta varaamalla ilmaisen konsultaation kauttamme.

Voit löytää aidot hammasklinikka-arvostelut tältä sivulta. Me keräämme aikaisempien potilaiden arvioita klinikasta luotettavista lähteistä, kuten Trustpilot. Lisäksi meidän oma asiantuntijamme antaa oman arvionsa klinikasta.

Viimeksi päivitetty 2023 syyskuussa
Hanki kaunis hymy edulliseen hintaan johtavalta klinikalta
Tämä nettisivusto käyttää evästeitä taatakseen parhaan mahdollisen käyttäjäkokemuksen.