Asiantuntijamme arvostelu ei ole vielä valmis, mutta se on tulossa pian. Sillä välin voit jättää oman henkilökohtaisen arviosi hammasklinikasta, tai lukea muiden kokemuksia klinikasta.
Timeline, Scope & Money Spent
– Implant surgery, cleaning, 3 fillings: 5,000 kr
– Travel expenses (gasoline & hotel for 1 week) 2,500 kr
– Installation of abutment (outer screw) & crown (already paid)
– Travel expenses (gasoline & hotel for 1 week) 2,500 kr
– New crown 2,000 kr (crown broke after only 4 years. They promised that implant & crown should last at least 8-10 years)
– Travel expenses (gasoline & hotel for 1 week) 2,500 kr
– Multiple times going to dentists in Odense and Aarhus, to tighten abutment that was loose, call or email TandRabatten, stress, waste of time, etc
– Crown broke again (second one that I paid again in Stettin, Poland)
– New Crown made in dental clinic in Odense 7,000 kr
– Crown made in Odense dental clinic broke, due to BAD TECHNICAL QUALITY of IMPLANT and ABUTMENT that was broken and NO CLINICS IN DENMARK couldn’t repair, as they mentioned it was not possible. They said implant should be removed and another should be made. Clinic in Stettin and TandRabatten never came with any solution and kept repeating that I should send the broken abutment by mail to them. Dental clinic in Denmark explained it was not possible to remove damaged abutment because it was stuck and broken due to poor implant and abutment design.
– Clinic in Odense ordered new abutment from Ankylos (German manufacturer of implant and abutment) according to specifications and details provided by Stettin clinic in the Implant Passport document. However, after it arrived, the Danish dentist in Odense clinic simply told me it didn’t fit because the supplier sent the wrong one.
Price of new & wrong abutment: 2,000 kr
– Travelled to Brazil and went to dental clinic. Clinic explained that removal of original implant is a very serious and complicated surgery, much more difficult than installing it in the first place. Besides that, the dentist said I would need two more trips to Brazil. That one to remove the implant, second one to install the new implant and a third trip after 3 months in order to implant adapt & blend to jaw bone structure. For obvious reasons this was not an option, due to time and budget constraints. Dentist recommended me to do a temporary solution instead, consisting of removing the abutment by force with a drilling tool and cementing a new crown on top of damaged implant that would be used as its building block. Cost: BRL 4,000 = 4,800 kr
Total Cost 2016 – 2024 = 28,300 kr (DKK) = approx. EUROS 3,800
I have not had a good experience with the implant, customer service has been bad as well, and the worst is that besides all the stress and frustration, it has caused many periods of time eating with only one side of the mouth (due to no crown, broken crown, loose abutment, etc) something not comfortable at all, big amounts of money lost and not reimbursed or not under warranty by Sttetin clinic, nor TandRabatten.
I ordered the most expensive implant solution possible together with TandRabatten and Stettin dental clinic.
It was sold to me like the ”Rolls Royce” dental solution.
As everyone knows, implants should last at least 10 or 20 years. I have made another implant from Brazil that has lasted approx. 15 years and is working fine, neither the crown nor implant ever got damaged.
To summarize, the abutment and crown failed multiple times, many attempts to screw them back on. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE just to find some dentist in Denmark that can handle or just tighten the abutment (outer screw).
TandRabatten fails at providing a proper technical solution or providing local maintenance services in Denmark so their Danish customers can find a quick fix to their problems. It is not easy or cheap to waste a whole week in Poland to fix the issues considering job obligations, transport and hotel cost.
I hope this review can provide useful information regarding my experience to other consumers in need of dental treatment.
I have not had a good experience with the implant.
The process was with Lars from and with Dermadent clinic in Sttetin, Poland.
I ordered the most expensive implant solution possible, it was sold to me like the ”Rolls Royce” dental solution.
I made my implant in Sep/2016.
As everyone knows, implants should last at least 10 or 20 years. I have made another implant that has lasted approx. 15 years and is working fine.
Unfortunately, this was not my case at or at Dermadent.
After ONLY 4 short years, the crown got loose. It has been so many problems you can not imagine. I have been to Stettin, Poland twice (two x one week treatments) to make the implant. Then I went a third time to try to fix the implant after there were problems with the ”abutment” (this is like an outer screw and the implant is like an inner screw) and the crown. I remember the third time I went to the clinic, after the crown broke (4 years after the implant), the clinic told me that I didn’t have to pay for the abutment, but I NEEDED TO PAY FOR A NEW CROWN. Well that crown didn’t last long as you can imagine when I came back to Denmark it eventually broke.
To summarize, the crown and abutment failed multiple times, many attempts to screw them back on. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE just to find some dentist in Denmark that can handle or just tighten the abutment (outer screw).
After many tries, I finally found a dental clinic in Odense with the indication from Lars that another patient had done the same. Well, I have been MANY times to this clinic to screw back the abutment, I also had a new crown done (about 6,500 kr), but a few weeks ago the crown broke as well.
Today, I went to the dentist in Odense, that ordered the abutment from the company that Dermadent and informed they bought it from: Ankylos from Germany. To my astonishment, the dentist this morning told me that the abutment does not fit and does not work, that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL ABUTMENT (outer screw) that was done on my implant. And I GAVE THEM THE supposedly PASSPORT IMPLANT information, etc.
The dentist said this morning that I have to pay for this abutment ordered from Ankylos (2,000 kr).
Sincerely, I don’t know what to do anymore!
My last tentative is to contact the clinic Dermadent and ask them to send the correct abutment to me in Odense so the clinic can try to see if it works and make another crown.
The alternative is expensive: the dentist informed me it will cost 2,000 kr to remove the implant and an extra 19,000 kr for a NEW IMPLANT = TOTAL OF 21,000 KR. Maybe I should have done this in the first place, to save a lot of STRESS, PAIN, TROUBLE, TIME, FRUSTRATION, ETC.!!
I have not had a good experience with the implant.
The process was with Lars from and with Dermadent clinic in Sttetin, Poland.
I ordered the most expensive implant solution possible, it was sold to me like the ”Rolls Royce” dental solution.
I made my implant in Sep/2016.
As everyone knows, implants should last at least 10 or 20 years. I have made another implant that has lasted approx. 15 years and is working fine.
Unfortunately, this was not my case at or at Dermadent.
After ONLY 4 short years, the crown got loose. It has been so many problems you can not imagine. I have been to Stettin, Poland twice (two x one week treatments) to make the implant. Then I went a third time to try to fix the implant after there were problems with the ”abutment” (this is like an outer screw and the implant is like an inner screw) and the crown. I remember the third time I went to the clinic, after the crown broke (4 years after the implant), the clinic told me that I didn’t have to pay for the abutment, but I NEEDED TO PAY FOR A NEW CROWN. Well that crown didn’t last long as you can imagine when I came back to Denmark it eventually broke.
To summarize, the crown and abutment failed multiple times, many attempts to screw them back on. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE just to find some dentist in Denmark that can handle or just tighten the abutment (outer screw).
After many tries, I finally found a dental clinic in Odense with the indication from Lars that another patient had done the same. Well, I have been MANY times to this clinic to screw back the abutment, I also had a new crown done (about 6,500 kr), but a few weeks ago the crown broke as well.
Today, I went to the dentist in Odense, that ordered the abutment from the company that Dermadent and informed they bought it from: Ankylos from Germany. To my astonishment, the dentist this morning told me that the abutment does not fit and does not work, that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL ABUTMENT (outer screw) that was done on my implant. And I GAVE THEM THE supposedly PASSPORT IMPLANT information, etc.
The dentist said this morning that I have to pay for this abutment ordered from Ankylos (2,000 kr).
Sincerely, I don’t know what to do anymore!
My last tentative is to contact the clinic Dermadent and ask them to send the correct abutment to me in Odense so the clinic can try to see if it works and make another crown.
The alternative is expensive: the dentist informed me it will cost 2,000 kr to remove the implant and an extra 19,000 kr for a NEW IMPLANT = TOTAL OF 21,000 KR. Maybe I should have done this in the first place, to save a lot of STRESS, PAIN, TROUBLE, TIME, FRUSTRATION, ETC.!!
Olen erittäin tyytyväinen käyntiini hammaslääkärissä Szczecinissä, tulos oli täydellinen, hammaslääkärini oli erittäin taitava ja klinikka on erittäin moderni uusimmalla tekniikalla ja se oli erittäin puhdas. Lars Tandrabattenista on myös erittäin avulias ja oli aina tilanteen kärjessä kaikissa käytännön asioissa. Minulla oli hyvä kokemus ja tulen uudelleen.
Super palvelu. Oli turvallista saada Lars sivussa. Lars oli erittäin avulias mm. opastusta ravintoloista ja erikoisliikkeiden löytämisestä hammaslääkärikäyntien välisen ajan kulumiseen.
Sinun on muistettava, että ei ole olemassa samoja valitusvaihtoehtoja kuin DK:ssa.
Ammattimaisen hoidon lisäksi on tavattu ymmärryksellä ja kärsivällisyydellä – klinikka on huippuluokkaa, joten unohda vanhanaikainen röntgenkuva, saat 3D-skannauksen koko leuan alueesta ja se kestää vain 2 minuuttia.. jota tuskin koskaan näe tanskalaisilla hammaslääkäreillä
Todella hyvää palvelua Tandrabattenilta sekä ennen hammasklinikalla käyntiä, sen aikana että sen jälkeen. Hammaslääkärialennus on erittäin suositeltavaa.
Jos sinun on purettava, ota yhteyttä Larsiin. Silloin olet turvallisissa käsissä alusta ja ei vain loppuun asti, vaan myös sen jälkeen
Loistava palvelu kaikkialla. Lars auttoi tulkkauksessa hammaslääkärissä ja haki minut hotellilta. Hampaat korjattiin hyvään hintaan. (alle puolet Tanskan hinnoista). Hammaslääkärit ovat ammattitaitoisia.
Voit saada tarkemmat hintatiedot ja tarjouksia klinikalta varaamalla ilmaisen konsultaation kauttamme.
Voit löytää aidot hammasklinikka-arvostelut tältä sivulta. Me keräämme aikaisempien potilaiden arvioita klinikasta luotettavista lähteistä, kuten Trustpilot. Lisäksi meidän oma asiantuntijamme antaa oman arvionsa klinikasta.
Tilaa uutiskirjeemme ja kuule ensimmäisten joukossa viimeisimmät uutisemme.