Asiantuntijamme arvostelu ei ole vielä valmis, mutta se on tulossa pian. Sillä välin voit jättää oman henkilökohtaisen arviosi hammasklinikasta, tai lukea muiden kokemuksia klinikasta.
I am absolutely thrilled with my experience at Bergedent Istanbul! From start to finish, the team was exceptional. Dr. Berge first performed my tooth implant, and then Dr. Merve completed my treatment with beautiful veneers. I truly appreciate the conservative approach they took, shaving my teeth minimally while still achieving stunning results. Dr. Merve is incredibly kind, attentive, and a fantastic listener. She took the time to understand all of my preferences and made sure I was happy with every step. Thanks to her, I now have a corrected bite and a gorgeous smile! The process has been fast and highly efficient with amazing results. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome! Highly recommend !
Highly competent and professional doctors , state of the art technology, attentive and caring staff, spotless clean and elegant clinic!! My mom was in desperate need for implants , and after years and years of struggle with incompetent doctors and ridiculous dental prices , we finally found the right place! Our first visit to Bergedent was in march ; they did most of the work including bone grafting. Dr.Berge along with his team completed the major part of the work successfully in 7 hours, on day one, My mom had no bruising , minimal pain and swelling. Two days later the temporary implants were in and my mom couldn’t be happier. We left on day 4 and returned 6 months later in septemver for the permanent implants. Again we felt safe and well taken care of . I myself had some dental work done incl a crown which came out perfect.
From the bottom of our hearts we THANK everyone at Bergedent for taking such great care of us , specially for giving my mother the perfect teeth and smile she always dreamed of.
I would like to extend my gratitude to :
●Dr Berge for his exceptional work and experise , his patience and kindness.
●: Dr Taner Bektas for his amazing work and attention to the smallest details in the final steps of my mom”s implants.
● Dr. Merve Sadak for the beautiful work she did on my teeth, and for her positive energy She also took part in my mom’s implant work.
● Miss Sakine – our coordinator , for all her help with the acommodations during our stay.
We highly recommend Bergedent and we look forward to come back for our annual check up!!
I had a fantastic experience with a laminate treatment at Bergedent Dental Clinic. Before, my teeth were quite yellow, but thanks to Dr. Asena’s skillful work, my smile is now wonderfully white, clean, and healthy. Dr. Asena guided me through each step of the procedure with clear explanations, making sure I felt well looked after. The whole clinic team was professional, friendly, and kind. I am thrilled with the service and wholeheartedly endorse Bergedent for top-notch dental care and cosmetic treatments.
I had a fantastic experience with a laminate treatment at Bergedent Dental Clinic. Before, my teeth were quite yellow, but thanks to Dr. Asena’s skillful work, my smile is now wonderfully white, clean, and healthy. Dr. Asena guided me through each step of the procedure with clear explanations, making sure I felt well looked after. The whole clinic team was professional, friendly, and kind. I am thrilled with the service and wholeheartedly endorse Bergedent for top-notch dental care and cosmetic treatments.
Pros…. Great equipment. Great facility. Hygiene conscious . Friendly. Organisation of transfers also great.
Cons. Lack of information given. Very hard and fast with the process. No thinking time allowed.
No advice given re pain meds.
Too much chatter while working .
Too rough with your mouth. Cut lips and gums were unnecessary.
The end result is not great as my bite is very off . Can’t chew at all.
Will need remedial work at home and hopefully get my bite back.
It looks great, but functionally ,I’m disappointed.
Which is sad because I had good teeth but thought they could be better.
Veneers were a treatment I should’ve said no to.
Overall….cheaper than in home country, but no recourse without huge expense. So stuck with it.
Worst dentist in Istanbul Damaged my teeth and still have pain for the implant which Dr Berg implanted Very bad experience with this office
Ever since I contacted Bergedent on WhatsApp regarding dental implants every member of staff have been amazing on every level
Kävin Bergedent Esthetic Dentistryssä Istanbulissa hammasimplantteja ja hammashoitoa varten. Minua hoitanut hammaslääkäri oli erittäin töykeä ja itsekäs. Hän ei selittänyt tarvitsemaani hoitoa, ja hän näytti välittävän minulta lisää rahaa. Myös tohtori Bergdentillä oli huono asenne. Hän ryntäsi viimeistelemään implantin eikä näyttänyt välittävän siitä, kuinka paljon kipua koin. Hän välitti vain implantin viimeistelemisestä mahdollisimman nopeasti, jotta hän voisi siirtyä jonkun muun luo. Kaiken kaikkiaan minulla oli erittäin negatiivinen kokemus Bergedent Esthetic Dentistrystä. Toimiston päällikkö tohtori Bergdent on epärehellinen ja näyttää asettavan rahan etusijalle potilaiden hoidon sijaan. On pettymys, että hammasklinikka toimii tällaisilla arvoilla. Häpeä, Bergedent Esthetic Dentistry ja klinikan henkilökunta.
En yleensä jätä arvosteluja, mutta tunnen olevani pakko jakaa kauhistuttavan kokemukseni Istanbulin BergeDent Clinicin kanssa, erityisesti klinikan johtajan Dr. Dt. Tunç Berge. Pitkän tutkimuksen jälkeen valitsin hammashoitooni BergeDent Clinicin Istanbulissa, mikä osoittautui valtavaksi virheeksi. Asun USA:ssa.
Minulla oli kauhea kokemus, Istanbulin pahin hammaslääkäri, Dt. Tunç Berge ja hänen hammaslääkärinsä ovat erittäin epäammattimaisia ja vahingoittavat hampaitani, kaikki positiiviset arvostelut ovat väärennettyjä ja tätä TÄYTYY VÄLTÄ
Voit saada tarkemmat hintatiedot ja tarjouksia klinikalta varaamalla ilmaisen konsultaation kauttamme.
Voit löytää aidot hammasklinikka-arvostelut tältä sivulta. Me keräämme aikaisempien potilaiden arvioita klinikasta luotettavista lähteistä, kuten Trustpilot. Lisäksi meidän oma asiantuntijamme antaa oman arvionsa klinikasta.
Tilaa uutiskirjeemme ja kuule ensimmäisten joukossa viimeisimmät uutisemme.