Finesse Clinics -arvostelu

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Rated 5,0 out of 5
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Asiantuntijan Finesse Clinics -arvostelu

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Finesse Clinics -klinikan tiedot

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Kaikki Finesse Clinics -arvostelut

Rated 5,0 out of 5
5,0 out of 5 stars (based on 26 reviews)
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A Life-Changing Experience at Finesse Clinic, Istanbul

Rated 5,0 out of 5

If you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, look no further than Finesse Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey. From the moment I made contact to the time I returned home, every step of my journey was meticulously handled by an exceptional team of professionals who made me feel like family.

Let me start with the incomparable Dr. Sedat Rüzgar, a board-certified Otolaryngologist (ENT) who is truly at the forefront of surgical advancements. I came to Finesse Clinic for a revision rhinoplasty following a traumatic car accident that left me with significant functional issues. Breathing had become a challenge, and it was affecting my quality of life. Dr. Rüzgar approached my case with both precision and compassion. His honesty about what could realistically be achieved, coupled with his innovative techniques, gave me the confidence I needed to proceed. The results? Nothing short of spectacular. Not only does my nose now function beautifully, but aesthetically, it’s beyond anything I could have imagined. Dr. Rüzgar is truly an artist in his craft.

A major part of my experience was shaped by the clinic’s coordinator, Sena. To say she was amazing would be an understatement. Sena is nothing short of a godsend—an angel dedicated to making every client’s experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. She handled everything, from securing my transportation and hotel stay to guiding me step-by-step through the surgical process. She was refreshingly honest, never sugarcoating the realities of surgery and recovery, and she was available 24/7 to answer my questions—even at the oddest hours. Sena’s warmth, professionalism, and genuine care are unparalleled; she’s the heartbeat of Finesse Clinic.

Upon arriving in Istanbul, I was greeted by Ibrahim and Ahmed, the clinic’s drivers, who instantly made me feel at ease. These two went far beyond the role of drivers—they were like family, checking in on me regularly and ensuring I was comfortable and had everything I needed throughout my stay. They made navigating a foreign city an absolute breeze.

Finesse Clinic combines world-class surgical expertise with an unparalleled level of personalized care. From start to finish, I felt supported, informed, and, most importantly, genuinely cared for. Dr. Sedat Rüzgar’s expertise changed my life, and the incredible team, led by Sena, made the entire process seamless and stress-free.

If you’re looking for a clinic that not only delivers outstanding medical results but also treats you like family, Finesse Clinic is the one. I cannot recommend them enough!


Thank you Finesse Clinic!

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Helin & Ibrahim of Finesse Clinic, thank you so much! I travelled from Australia to Istanbul for a combination surgery: Rhino by Dr Ruzgar & Breast Aug by Dr Oner. Not only am I extremely impressed with my results, but the entire process leading up to the surgery and during my stay in Istanbul was made a breeze thanks to the Team at Finesse Clinic. It was the most nerve racking thing to do to travel so far from home and alone, but Helin & Ibrahim did everything to make me feel comfortable and taken care of and for that I will forever be grateful. The consistent communication from Helin, the beautiful hotel booked, the transfers, pre-op and post-op care, everything. I’m so glad I did my thorough research before deciding which clinic to book with and I will continue to recommend to anyone looking to do cosmetic procedures abroad


I’m really happy with my nose

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I’m really happy with my nose, It’s only been 4months and Dr Sedat Rüzgar deserves all the recognition because he is truly amazing and gifted at what he does. I choose him because he performs really beautiful clean natural work. He remakes the nose to a better version of itself with a feminine profile, that’s what he did for me. I must say I’m really happy with the results so far and I can’t wait for the final outcome. He is very well mannered and has a lovely warm energy about him, a true perfectionist who takes pride and care in his work. I’m happy I choose him as my surgeon I was truly blessed to find him and glad I trusted him


I’m really happy with my nose

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I’m really happy with my nose, It’s only been 4months and Dr Sedat Rüzgar deserves all the recognition because he is truly amazing and gifted at what he does. I choose him because he performs really beautiful clean natural work. He remakes the nose to a better version of itself with a feminine profile, that’s what he did for me. I must say I’m really happy with the results so far and I can’t wait for the final outcome. He is very well mannered and has a lovely warm energy about him, a true perfectionist who takes pride and care in his work. I’m happy I choose him as my surgeon I was truly blessed to find him and glad I trusted him


It’s only been 3 weeks but Dr sedat…

Rated 5,0 out of 5

It’s only been 3 weeks but Dr sedat deserves all the recognition because he is truly amazing and gifted at what he does. The reason why I choice him was he performs really beautiful clean natural work. He remakes the nose to a better version of itself with a feminine profile, that’s what he did for me. I must say I’m really happy with the results so far and I can’t wait for the final outcome. He is very well mannered and has a lovely warm energy about him, a true perfectionist who takes pride and care in his work. I’m happy I choose him as my surgeon I was truly blessed to find him and glad I trusted him 🥺 I will update this review at 6 months also .


I had a rhinoplasty and lift with BA at…

Rated 5,0 out of 5

I had a rhinoplasty and lift with BA at Finesse clinics. The service was amazing and I was really well taken care of. I’m so happy with everything thank you


No Title

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Kävin revision nenäplastia, olin seurannut tohtori Sedatia pitkään ja rakastuin työhön, tulkkini Halim oli erittäin ystävällinen ja aina tukenani kaikessa, erittäin organisoitunut kaikessa

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No Title

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Erittäin pätevä ja ammattitaitoinen klinikka. Kirurgi ja koko henkilökunta ovat aina olleet erittäin ystävällisiä ja avuliaita. Super suositeltava!

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Martina S.

No Title

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Olen täysin rehellinen ja sanon, että olin todella peloissani alussa, enkä tiennyt, millainen leikkauskokemus tulee olemaan Turkissa, ja jossain vaiheessa sanoin, että en välitä. älä vain tee sitä. Sitten tapasin tytön tiktokissa ja rakastin hänen tuloksiaan, joten päätin antaa sille uuden mahdollisuuden ja ottaa yhteyttä tohtori Sedatiin.

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Aysa Khorammi

No Title

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Ensinnäkin kaikki olivat illallisia mukavia ja vieraanvaraisia. He opastavat sinut läpi kaiken tarvittavan, ei vain sitä, vaan tohtori Sedat Ruzgar ja hänen koko miehistönsä ovat aidosti parhaita ihmisiä, joihin voi luottaa 100-prosenttisesti keskusteluista leikkaukseen ja parhaaseen hoitoon ja hoitoon leikkauksen jälkeen. Ne saavat sinut tuntemaan olosi mukavaksi enkä ollenkaan huolissani. Olin illallinen peloissani, koska tämä oli ensimmäinen leikkausni, mutta kaikki varmistivat, että tunnen oloni turvalliseksi ja innostuneena tuloksistani. Ensimmäistä kertaa kun näin heidän Instagram-sivunsa, tiesin, että hänestä tulee lääkärini, ja olen iloinen, että menin tohtori sedat ruzgarin kanssa. Suosittelen, että teet mitä tahansa häneltä. Olen 5 kk post op ja rakastan jo tuloksiani, monet ihmiset eivät edes huomanneet, että olen saanut nenäni kuntoon, mikä oli minulle suuri yllätys (hyvällä tavalla tietysti) Joka päivä rakastan nenääni jopa lisää, tohtori sedat toi varmasti itsevarmuuteni takaisin ja se teki minut erittäin onnelliseksi. En koskaan tiennyt, että voit nähdä tuloksia näin nopeasti, ja olen täällä sitä varten! Edelleenkään epäröimättä tämän klinikan suhteen, suosittelen kaikille ja lupaan, että tulet rakastamaan sitä yhtä paljon kuin minä. 10/10

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Missy N

Arvostele Finesse Clinics Turkki

Täytä yhteydenotto­lomake

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